Canadian Issues

The exit for this problem is investment. ' ' It is more easy than to decide the problem of escassez' ' , If, to decide the problem of the quality of the water, she will be necessary to invest in sanitation, the solution for the scarcity of the hdrico resource is more complex. ' ' In half-barren regions, as the Northeast of Brazil and the west of the United States, it has a relation of climatic scarcity. Some countries that face the problem already come adopting practical of conservation and efficient use of the water. Other nations use the dessalinizao of the water of the sea to take care of the demand. It is the case of the Saudi Arabia that has much oil and no water. They arrive at the extremity of dessalinizar the water of the sea to produce wheat, encarecendo produo' ' , she affirms Braga.

' ' An alternative for such regions is the importation of the virtual water, that is, to import foods (BRAGA, 2008, P. 24.). ' ' The States Joined, Brazil and Canada can exert a basic paper in this setor' ' , the director of ANA comments, standing out, however, that this possible alternative finds barriers for being a question of national security guard, especially if the forecasts of future wars and disputes will be confirmed. In accordance with a report divulged for the 2008 ONU at the beginning, the access to the water will be the main cause of armed conflicts in next the 25 years, especially in the regions more devoid as the American continent. 1,2 WAR HIDRICA Far from if configuring as a distant and absurd reality, the forecasts on the water as the main cause of the wars in a well next future are supported by diverse projections, that pass will put factors as the climatic changes, the demographic growth and the unsustainable management, pointing with respect to a scene each more problematic time in the question of the hdricos resources.


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