Republic Development

He is well-known that the beauties of Brazil, in special the located ones in the Amaznia are each day more aimed at by tourist of the whole world given the intense speeches on preservation and sustainable development, area this where the ecoturismo enters as main tool of economic and social development. To use to advantage this immense potential, more necessarily in the Region of the Tapajs necessary investment in infrastructure in general way becomes, more mainly in the hoteleira and aeroporturia part, being Santarm and Itaituba the main cities of the region main receivers of this public interested in knowing the beauties of the Region. The Plan of Sustainable Regional development for Area of Influence of Highway BR 163 (Santarm – Cuiab), document formulated for an Inter-ministerial work group co-ordinated by the Civil House of the Presidency of the Republic in the year of 2006, brought as one of the main factors for the development of the Region of the Tapajs, the Ecoturismo. This document affirms: ‘ ‘ the studies elaborated for the Program of Development of the Ecoturismo in the Legal Amaznia, enclosing …, Polar region Weed Amaznia and Tapajs Polar region must be stimulated as form to mark out with buoys the planning of this activity and to guide the investments of the public and private power in the area of the BR-163. It enters the activities foreseen for the National Program of Ecoturismo and the Proecotur for period 2005? 2007 are: ) the accomplishment of courses of qualification in ecoturismo .; b) accomplishment of workshops of quarrel of the strategies elaborated for the Proecotur in partnership with the Ministry of the Tourism and debates in the Fruns State of Tourism and the City councils of Tourism; c) construction of a wallet of projects of ecoturismo of communitarian base, …; d) support to the implementation of the consisting units of conservation already, as the State Park of the Crystalline lens, the National Park of the Amaznia, the National Forest of the Tapajs, the Reserve Extrativista Tapajs-Arapiuns and the Areas of Ambient Protection of Alter of the Soil (Santarm) and of Aramana (Belterra); e) Implementation of the System of Georeferenciado-SIG Information for the development of ecoturismo.’ ‘ (BRAZIL, 2006) the actions that consist of this plan are basic in the development sustainable of the tourism, therefore, they are directed for the process of formularization, mobilization, execution and commercialization of the tourist product and in the definition of the instruments of politics and public administration of the activity as half of economic, social and cultural development of the populations of these areas. .


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