Ecological Footprint Method

The Barometer of the Support is had as a combinatria tool of pointers pointing cocientes through indices. Such indices facilitate very in the agreement, and to visualize the situation accomplishes of the state of the environment and society as a whole. The support pointers must establish correlation between itself, always inside of the hierarchy and relevance, therefore its analysis separately would cause great difficulty of mensurao of the support as a whole. However certain recklessness can be perceived that, while a dimension inside of a set of pointers can be considered sustainable, another one not, exactly being inside of the same joint of pointers, from there to occur to the obfuscation of the identification of insustentabilidade of a system or subsystem because this can occur in the gamma of five pointers more than grouped, for example, and one or two inside of this five to be appearing as unsustainable it is thus a system running the risk of if extinguishing. barometer of the Support uses a well clear form indices goes of the welfare state to the ecological one, glimpsing ours to see the harmonization between environment and the man, looking for to delineate until where the exploration of the natural supplies is sustainable or not, however some pointers tend to mask others inside being they of one same dimension therefore the hierarquizao system must be used of form very multicriteria and guided front the relevance of the pointers. Therefore the pointer of bigger importance inside of the goal will prevail there and scales established. The Ecological Footprint Method the Ecological Footprint Method is a tool that indicates compensatory actions for each parcel of appropriate natural resources for a country, state, city and or governmental institution or not. Ecological footprint, the book launched for Wackernager & Rees (1996), Our Ecological Footprint Method, a bold work regarding this used system in such a way to metrificar as to divulge the development sustainable..


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