European Union

1. By their economy – very good economic health: 2003: 305.000 billion GDP, GDP 2008: 742.000 million, 7% of average annual growth of the economy – very attractive country for foreign direct investment – 5th largest economy in the world. 2 Population – 72 million people – with the largest number of young people from 27 European countries – average age of 28.5 years – 61% of the population has less than 35 years 3. A qualified and profitable – labor more than 24.7 million young professionals – about 450,000 college graduates in 2008 4. Investment climate – dynamic private Sector which increased by 179% their exports from 2003 to 2008. -More than 21,000 companies of international capital – equal treatment to all investors – 5 international arbitration. Infrastructure – maritime transportation cheap and highly developed facilities.

-Established transportation routes and direct deliveries to most of the EU countries. 6. Central location – natural bridge between East and West. -Easy access to 1.5 billion consumers totaling 25 billion USD GDP (Europe, Middle East and Asia) 7. Energy corridor and connection point of Europe – point of the power connection that links East and West – Turkey can now carry 121 million tons of petroleum. After completion of projects in progress you can transport 221 million tonnes. 8. Reduced taxes – tax on the income of the companies was reduced from 30% to 20%.

-The individual income tax ranges from 15% to 35% – numerous tax advantages and incentives which may include partial or total exemption from tax on income from grants, the allocation of income or subsidies of up to 80% of expenditures on S.S. of enterprises. -New law on support for innovation and r & d 9. International trade treaties: – part of the Customs Union of the EU since 1996 – have already signed 12 agreements of free trade (FTA) and other 11 more are in process 10. A large internal market (2008 data) – 30 million users of Internet – 66 million mobile users – 44 million users of tarjetas de credito – 79 million users of airlines – 26.5 million of 11 international tourist arrivals. Excellent relations with the European Union is being processed its access to the European Union since 2005 – this has made that trade relations with the EU are now 47% of the total of foreign trade relations.

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