Experimental crops in Andalusia

Source: www.diagonalperiodico.net In 2007 some 600 hectares were planted corn insecticide BT (single crop approved in theory intended for animal feed) in Andalusia.Although most transgenic entry occurs in the import of genetically modified corn and soybeans for livestock feed intensive, do not forget the experimental GE crops. The Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine has made no secret in this case, the eleven applications for outdoor experimental field of GM maize from the companies Monsanto, Pioneer and Procida in a total of 67 municipalities of Andalusia, Aragon, Castilla La Mancha, Castilla y Leon, Madrid, Extremadura, Navarra, Galicia and Catalonia. Major biotechnology companies joined forces, sometimes with the universities for these experiments. On 14 April 2009 will be presented Andalusia Platform Free of Transgenics with the aim of denouncing the claim GM agriculture and crops without modified seeds.His position on the coexistence is preventative, “zero tolerance” genetic pollution in all activities and all food products. Also no effort to denounce the government to provide information and ensure transparency about the technological applications that are presented as positive innovations (terminator, Transcontainer, nanotechnology, etc).

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