Quality in Product

Quality in Product Since the 70s of the twentieth century, quality means not only confidence in the goods, but also as control and safety. Quality is often used with different meanings. Speaking of quality goods, people refer usually luxury goods or excellent. But its meaning is ambiguous and often their use depends on what each one means by quality. Since the 70s of the twentieth century, different protocols and standards of production have been joining, so that rules are set ISO. Any business organization that boasts the standards ISO is the perfect setting to direct its management and organizational lines. While the assembly line and mass production lines are at the root of quality systems has been improved a lot since the days when Taylor measured the efficiency of production of screws. In an increasing order of complexity of management, we found the quality control, quality assurance and total quality.Quality control remains a mere bureaucratic monitoring of the specifications if not contrasting, on the one hand you are looking for the recipient, and secondly what the market gives me. In the extreme, in an automotive component plant can potentially produce square tires, as long as they mark the transcribed instructions and manuals for this purpose. This means that we have a highly effective tool in consultation with customers and using the ‘feedback’ or survey results, so we can continuously improve my products and services. This is what some call “a complaint is a gift.” At the bottom rung of the hierarchy is the quality management systems, designed to be driven from the direction of a company and improve each and every one of the departments that comprise it, including human resources, procurement, control of the documents and records and customer satisfaction.The flags hoisted the standards of ISO 9001 continuous improvement and customer satisfaction. Improved documentation and records, at the hands of those who use them, is the engine of progress of the entire system.

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