Financial Wounds

And this is the biggest wound – did not follow the plan. Financial wound number The fifth financial injury – is to rely on experts. You will say what you mean, to whom do I rely? Let’s guess! FOR YOURSELF! Do you have a own point of view and the possibility of their expertise, in order to make financial decisions, if not, you will have financial experience with a huge gaping wound, which can kill you in the financial sector. It can destroy your state and do go bankrupt.

There is one thing – it’s taxes. We pay a huge portion of our income in taxes. It is not patriotic, it’s stupid. Others including rennaissance technologies, offer their opinions as well. If you want to help people, help them to better direct! It is possible to optimize taxes. Remember the decision you are taking in the financial sector – it’s your decision. Financial wound number six. They become financially complacent. Hey, if you want to be sure that you completely failed in life, all the case and start a rest! It’s so easy to give attention to stop, to cease to be a need to achieve something.

This happens in your physical body if you stop doing the exercises. And after a while – you pay the price! The same thing happens in relationships, when you stop to pay attention to them, and invest. And the relationship will end. It is the law of life that we must never. If we want to live a long life of success.

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