Investigation Enterprise

One has noticed that many people consider to values to ideas that are happened to them without considering the national and foreign doctrine, thus we can affirm that these subjects reach little diffusion as it is by the way the titled subject the values. 19. BRANCHES OF the ENTERPRISE RIGHT to know the right enterprise we must know its branches, which are not slo club, exchange enterprise, record enterprise, stock-exchange, enterprise enterprise contracts, garantas, but are others but which we have mentioned in other scenes to have idea of these subjects and in this order of ideas we can affirm that two branches of the studied right exist that very deserve to be taken into account as they are by the way the corporative right and the mercantile right, nevertheless, are not nicas, but others exist, in such sense the branches of the enterprise right are the following: straight civil of enterprise, stock-exchange, competing the company, mercantile, club, exchange enterprise, record enterprise before known like enterprise, registry right of bankruptcies enterprise, labor enterprise, tributary enterprise, notarial enterprise, penal of the company, constitutionalist of the company, banking, cooperative, procedural civilian enterprise, customs enterprise, industrial, safe, the industrial property (clear, marks, among others) and the right of the competition, marcario, social, contractual security enterprise, mining, the commercial arbitration and the modern negotiation, enterprise contracts, the guarantees, the organisms supervisors (straight regulating), economic regulation and industrial organization, infrastructure of transport, electronic, right commerce of transport, responsibility of the company, telecommunications, services of cleaning, economy of the electrical sector, hydrocarbons and electricity, international right deprived and regulation of the electrical sector. Thus in each of stas branches of the jurdicas right or reas are due to know all the sources the same applicable, in such sense by each of these branches or rea of the jurdicas right or reas must consider the law, indoctrinates, custom, jurisprudence, executory, general principles of the right, especficos principles of the enterprise right, manifestation of will, social reality, filosofa, sociology, among others. 20. CONCLUSIONS Having developed to the subject knowledge of the enterprise right we formulated conclusions in the following trminos: 1) Few in our means know all the right enterprise.

2) Specialties within the enterprise right exist. 3) In the universities and other training centers one transmits knowledge exceeds straight enterprise. 21. SUGGESTIONS After to have developed to the subject knowledge of the enterprise right, and to have formulated conclusions, we carried out suggestions we do and it in the following trminos: 1) In our means the enterprise right is due to spread. 2) In our means one is due to spread that specialties within the enterprise right exist.

3) In all the training centers pedagogy must be taught and become of the enterprise right. 22. LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS Having developed to the subject knowledge of the enterprise right and to have formulated conclusions and suggestions, we formulated legislative proposals we do and it in the following trminos: 1) A law is due to approve so that all the training centers organize courses of enterprise right. 2) Support to travs of scholarships is due to offer major to those who wish to study straight enterprise.


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