Making Financial Decisions

Hello and welcome my enterprising beloved, in this article I will speak on your emprendimientos and microemprendimientos to you. Especially on the investments, and in which mainly the people are based to make the typical financial decisions. This lesson is important for the development of our education and financial intelligence. I recommend to you to continue reading You do not forget that this article has been written based on the book of Robert Kiyosaki and which I recommend to read obligatorily to take advantage of all the content value that this one contains on subjects of businesses and emprendimientos. Federal Reserve Bank recognizes the significance of this. () The majority of the people has financial problems because opinions instead of facts go the life using to make the financial decisions.

Opinions like: Your house is assets , the price of real estate always raises , the companies of great capitalization are its better investment , is needed money to make money , the actions always have had better yield that real estate , you must diversify to your portfolios , you must be dishonest to be rich , to invest is risky , plays safe . () – For being able to make the financial decisions that will give a direction him of our present financier no we need to make case to simple opinions or speculations exceed what it is going to happen in the economic world. In order to be able to make the correct financial decisions we must like minimum base to us on real facts, watch backwards in history and see at what moment already it happened what it is happening and to see what is what we can do and take action. According to Kenneth R. Feinberg, who has experience with these questions. () I sat down there, sunk in my not done thoughts and I realized of which the majority of the things that had listened on money in house was in fact opinions of people and. () – Of fact, which we listened generally are only vague opinions than it could happen in the financial world, not done more concrete. By that is too important to have certain criterion or knowledge about the businesses, investment or emprendimientos – in himself on all the financial education to be able to make better decisions and to develop to us economically. I take leave and I wish the best thing you. Original author and source of the article


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