Models of knowledge management as a basis for innovation and technology transfer

The globalization causes such profound changes in society that we are immersed in topics such as intellectual capital and generate value. Intellectual capital is the possession of knowledge, applied experience, organizational technology, customer relationships and professional skills that give a company a competitive advantage in the market. But personally, if employees are trained by the organization for which they work, part of this formation, should integrate the generation of value of the enterprise as somehow translates this capability and innovation in best results, both operational and financial. These two concepts are key in the organization of a business and requires the interaction of tacit and explicit knowledge. The Managing Partner of EnTrust Capital for 12 years is spent time as a Vice President at Goldman, Sachs & Co., which he joined in 1992 Tacit knowledge usually consists of habits and cultural aspects that difficult to recognize in ourselves, in exchange explicit knowledge can be represented. explicit knowledge: formal, systematic, which can be easily communicated and shared Tacit knowledge: they are mental models, beliefs, experiences, individual perspectives, it is very personal and difficult to communicate to others is important to understand that ICT provides the framework that is developed but not the content: knowledge strategy is a question leaders unique to people, ‘the training technologies facilitate the process, but skills by themselves are incapable of taking anything from the people’ (Reyes Melean 2005) As well the interaction conomientos dynamics of these intellectual management capital is divided into three parts: 1. Human: the satisfaction of the people, teamwork, skills and professional skills, leadership, capacity retention of Twitter knowledge 2. Structural: the culture of the coaching organization, the processes of acquisition and transmission of knowledge, innovation innovation processes 3. Relational: the loyalty of customers, your satisfaction, distribution networks customer service and market knowledge.

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