Nokia 6670

The Nokia 6670 smartphone is distributed by Nokia in the year 2004. Based on the Series 60 platform, is the business version of the triband Nokia 7610, and features a 1 megapixel digital camera, 8 MB of storage, Multi Media Card slot, Bluetooth and a 176×208 screen and 65,536 colors. The Software includes file viewer Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint and PDF, the NetFront browser supports HTML, XHTML and WML and a GPS application that generates data from GSM cell data. You can add applications designed for Series 60, supports Java applications and games. Hedge Fund Manager Its CPU is an ARM-9 to 123 Mhz.

NBC Augusta 26
, we take them with us on the dining table, the bedroom, the bathroom stall.
Daily Telegraph
Christopher Middleton tests two devices that speak foreign languages on the streets of Chinatown.
NBC 13 Birmingham
New Trend: Bury me with my mobile phone.
Sunday Star
for a time, people associated with a mobile computing company that contributed much to the popularization of personal digital assistant (PDAPalm, Inc. Although it didn’t start the line, Palm is credited with popularizing PDAs with the Palm Pilot and its succeeding crops products.

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