Sousa Seminary

so that they do not feel difficulty with tempo' '. (Ligia Sousa) ' ' Trainings and reading in voice alta' '. (yulli Mescouto) ' ' Today, in the age I find that me to make orality courses, but the schools must adhere to one discipline that if it portraies the verbal language placing in the grating curricular' '. (Claude) ' ' She would have to brighten up in the hour of a person when trying to explain, many not to aprestar attention when calling attention you are without notion where you you stopped to explain and thus she makes with that the nervousness comes and is difcil' '. (Elaynne de Paula) In accordance with BOCK et al (1997) the motivation this present as always desencadeadora of the action, wants either for physiological necessity, wants either for affective or intellectual necessities. (p 81) the feeling externado for the pupils was of motivation lack, for not having been it accustoms of the one for the school to speak in I also publish and this sample that it did not have incentive on the part of the professors, and the done analysis that with only sufficient external trainings and course to improve this practical. The deposition in classroom the pupils say as if they prepare for a defense or a seminary.

' ' I do not obtain to prepare myself to defend itself in a seminary, because I to me do not have capacity to ask and to answer without fear, I do not obtain to think fast responder' '. (Elaynne de Paula) ' ' I sufficiently read the subject that anger to be debated, landmark the main parts, later I make a summary on what I understood and is alone to study and to face medo' '. (Claude) ' ' Generally I look for to organize the material with antecedence and to study what he will be repassado' '.


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