STM Nueva

There are too many doubts about the future of the investors of the Nueva Rumasa. We have consulted one of the law firms, the SMt/Nummos, serving affected (investors) of the Nueva Rumasa. The answers have been provided by Luis Leyva Escuin, senior lawyer and member of the law firm STM /Nummos. Here are their answers. 1. What is the current situation of Nueva Rumasa? The situation that cross the Nueva Rumasa group companies will be different depending on which one we’re talking about.

So far there are several group companies which have submitted application for bankruptcy and one (Grupo Dhul, S.L.) which has been formally declared in such a situation. The admission of the contest of Grupo Dhul SL Auto has been published in the official bulletin of the State (BOE) on March 29, 2011, made opening within a month that the bankruptcy law marks to communicate the credits by social creditors. That is, all those affected or investors who are owed amount must be communicated This is done within that period. In addition, there are other many societies of the Nueva Rumasa group who have welcomed the pre-insolvency situation that sets article 5.3 of the Act, prior to the application of the competition of creditors. 2. How many people and which profile believes in Jerez as investors? We believe that the number of people affected in Jerez round 1,500 or 2,000 people. Between the number of affected that we have seen in these last few weeks, we could not say that there is an identical profile that characterizes all them. From retirees to working professionals through the wineries themselves workers, the Casuistry of investors in bills of Exchange or promissory note is quite different in regards to spats to the invested amount. 3 What is the bankruptcy period? The purpose of the competition is trying to safeguard the viability of the bankrupt company and enable that it can continue to operate in commercial traffic.


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