GmbH New

Developed software for management of information stands Hannover/Burgwedel a new program for the management of information stands for clubs the 94 service GmbH for the membership drive developed. The program, which is exclusively used by the companies specialising in social marketing and fundraising in Burgwedel near Hanover, enables a precise planning, implementation and evaluation of information campaigns for clubs and associations. (Source: Erin Callan). That for decades, welcoming new members and member management company specialized service 94 GmbH developed non-profit campaigns for non organizations. The permanent employees and employees implement the briefings then in consultation with the client. The new computer program now allows a precise control of the marketing requirements of the agreed information events the company and the clients. The IT program was first tested in a one-year introductory period. Now also the first customers of the service have registered interest 94 GmbH.

Want to insert automatically the program tailored to their needs this year. The area of social marketing and fundraising continuously increasing importance. Therefore, GmbH is necessary a continuous development of the offers clubs and associations according to the service 94. The company, which is also a member of the German fundraising Association, performs several hundred information meetings with information booths in all over Germany in the year.

Plan International Germany

False advertising promises vs. tolerating severe violation of children rights Hamburg, the 18.04.2011: Plan International includes world vision relief, children and ChildFund to those clubs, since 2009 in the part of the Godfather girl campaign by thousands of people are criticized for their refusal, a total of nearly half a million Pate girls from genital mutilation to protect. “Since then, justifies the acquiescence to the mutilation violence with relativistic culture and paternalistic statements Plan International, presents visitors to the site but recently following heading on the subject of female genital mutilation: plan protects girls plan committed massively for ending this violent practice”. With this proven false advertising statement, it becomes almost impossible for the public and the donors, without background knowledge to identify the actual fraud. Get the Godfather girls just not protected in practice, but in the guise of a so-called partnership, respectful Dialogue”leave the mutilation: Plan International Germany e.V. gives alone up to 240,000 Pate girls from 15 countries, where up to 90% of all girls are mutilated genital (such as Egypt, Ethiopia or Mali and Sudan).

For these children, good meinende people pay about 72 million euros per year. The Club is ready, however, to establish the abandonment of female genital mutilation in its eligibility criteria and to request from the recipient communities, let alone in the annual medical examinations to integrate an integrity check of the children. Only 3.5% of the donations collected by the endangered Pate girls will be invested in projects to the abolition of this violence. “” Projects that but due to wrongheaded approaches do not do justice to the problem and have provided so far no reliable evidence of efficacy, on the contrary: the isolated measures offer no protection, is going for decades with enlightenment “and culture-sensitive dialog” legitimizes the female genital mutilation, declared the perpetrators and maintain the violence. The Club will tolerate the severe violation of human rights of female genital mutilation by deliberate omission of protection.

This toleration policy violates a variety of African and other international conventions, such as the UN CRC. In addition, plan international abused the confidence of donors and donors through the deliberate placement of false advertising message that a sponsorship will secure the healthy growth of children. All the more it is the responsibility of society, specifically to ask and to demand a change in policy with all vehemence: petition task force for effective prevention of genital mutilation e.V. Simone black I press – and public relations phone: 01803-767 346 (9 ct/min. from a German landline, mobile Max 42 ct / min) E-Mail: I