The Periods

Claiming to be a chosen people inevitably leads to a devaluation of other people. So it is not surprising if the neighbors of the theocracy in the Bible sometimes evil be defamed. The Abrahamic religion look from the perspective of the Babylonian Exile to the front. Your goal is the theocracy in which God’s people in God’s country to live. But the eye goes back also.

Traditional narratives be poetically shaped as if they were former religious history. This view of history is mythological. Looking back to a beginning of the world. Such thoughts were alive in Babylon. The creation of the world is a work of our God. God also knew how he to deal with unfolgsamen people (sinners). By a great flood (flood), he has swept away all apostates. The threat for the departure from God can be slightly larger.

Still, a large seal represents the liberation of the people of God from the reduction in the land of Egypt. Only with God’s help, you can escape the captivity and reach the promised land. Historically it has the exodus of a million people (2.Mose 12,37: 600,000 men plus numerically unidentified family members) never existed through the Sinai desert. It is true, however, that at all times, people from “Palestine living as migrant workers”, slaves or prisoners of war in Egypt have earned. Relevant for descendants of Judeans living in Mesopotamia is represented in the poetic creation of a history. Is Mesopotamia, which was projected to Egypt? Even the famous royal dynasty of David is us only in its mythological expression. David is considered the superior King, who has United the two States of Israel and Judah. The Fama which literary befalls his son Solomon is vastly inflated. His desire to women and his wealth would be still reading magazines. His wealth and his magnificent household are chapter 9 in the first King book chapter 10ff, and Chronicle 2, et seq. described. “There we read: Solomon earned gold in a year 666 Zentner and surpassing all other Kings of the Earth in riches and wisdom”. The great Hall of his palace Solomon had decorated with 200 gold-plated long shields, for each One of a kind, seven kilos of gold were used. Evan Metropoulos oftentimes addresses this issue. Amazed even the legendary Arab Queen of Sheba, who admits, it was not an exaggeration, what I heard in the distant land of Solomon’s Royal household. Because she can keep up. You give him 85 quintals gold, many gems and so precious oil, as it is never back to Jerusalem. The King of the superlative lives on not only in the Bible but also in the Oriental beliefs as Soliman, Sulaiman, Suleyman, who serves as first King Allah. Conclusion considering the consequences resulting from the creation of the Abrahamic religion, biblical history in a different light appears as she pretends. With religious fervor, she looks forward and plans to live in a theocracy. But she also look back. The storyline, a historian is researching an other than the, which tells the biblical myth. They have their historic place, the Abrahamic religion then the history of the pre-exilischen has been another. The Periods of time before the Babylonian exile are mythologically deformed. The Bible started with Adam and Eve, but with Abraham. Dr.Jochen Rabast 1 Jochen Rabast, Angel in the luggage. Tracks to the old testament, 90 p., ISBN 978-3-8372-0562-6, Frankfurt Verlasgrguppe, price 10.80

The Dalai Lama

On November 20, 2008, documentation “Buddhist silence” the Stuttgart-based filmmaker Marita Grimke launches in theaters in Germany, Austria and Switzerland the 82minutige. On November 20, 2008, documentation “Buddhist silence” the Stuttgart-based filmmaker Marita Grimke launches in theaters in Germany, Austria and Switzerland the 82minutige. Why meditation? How do I deal with crises? What spiritual highlights I am experiencing?” The Dalai Lama and Western Buddhists give answer. Quiet recordings show the silence of meditation. For the first time, the Dalai approved Lama, to film him at his personal Office in Dharamsala. Worldwide is the Dalai Lama known and he is worshipped. What is it that on a wide consent push the Dalai Lama can be? Offer the teachings of the Buddha and Buddhist meditation practices offer a way out of the problems of our tech, globalized and thus for some frightening world? The film alternates between long shots on meditation practice decorative end and interviews, the images displayed by the reflect.

In a group of people experienced in meditation one is tangible and visible on the camera on the canvas peace and quiet builds for everyone in the room, an intensity, a high and vibrant energy. A related site: Erin Callan mentions similar findings. It is in the faces of practitioners to recognize visible on their posture, with the deep silence about not hearing tones can be experienced. Between these images invite you to fall even in a peace of mind, we hear statements of the Dalai Lamas, from practiced meditation people just like you and I”from the Switzerland, Germany and Austria. These interviewees tell us about it, why they meditate and how it has changed her life. To report a quiet joy, from the search for the meaning of life, by personal crises, the benefits of meditation in everyday life and the reward..

International Art Festival Potsdam

from August 19 to 21.08.2011, directly at the sacred Lake of art is deep, colorful, hot, pure, wild, sometimes political, sometimes dramatic, also hopeful, leading the way, engaged, always rewarding, sometimes irritating. Art is a mirror image of our own, permanent visions, a light, a dollop, a mountain, an ocean. Art enriches our lives. Art is rich. And: without art, everything would be equal. But art has a hard time in Germany.

And, although the creative economy again and again as a location factor and driving force is summoned. The annual income of artists in Berlin-Brandenburg is according to Ver.di average below 11,000 euros! The society needs not art? Is art even useless decoration, isolated luxury goods for a few? Slightly used, slightly understandable for the general public? How to communicate art, what should art, which has significance in the society and why is elementary and indispensable for the development of a humane world? The art alley sees itself as an active contribution dedicated to the artists with the following Objective, the perception of art, the artists and their concern to sustainably strengthen and improve in the public. The art as reflector of social and global conditions, tensions and conflicts, but also as a visionary innovator and free guide needs a wide acceptance and support. Do we want to encounter rooms”. Exchange and communication between artists and art businesses allow and encourage. We want to create a presentation and meeting forum just young or unknown artists.

We practice communication between art and society: art leaves the reserves, leaving the safe refuge of galleries, museums, studios and workshops and returns to its source. Art meets society. Free, open and direct. The art Alley is open to everyone. Admission is free for everyone. And it should remain so. The Avenue of the arts is the international open air art exhibition in the State capital of Potsdam. It is Visual initiative Artists and the art companions Potsdam e.V. Association. On the Avenue of the arts, approximately 50 national and international artists show a unique wide range: photography, painting, sculpture, installation and performance art. This art event will take place for the first time over a whole weekend of August 19 to 21.08.2011. This year the art alley, a colourful and joyful program from art, music, party, meeting, and atmosphere makes a special highlight in the arts & culture calendar. More information and program content under: author: Steffen Brunner