Open Space

More one solution – hatches for installation in the floor. Their use eliminates (in almost all cases) from the placement of outlets – power, telephone, computer, audio and TV – in the walls, sparing you from having to lay them wiring in a metal pipe and drill the wall under the metal boxes. Radio bus. Using radiovyklyuchateley self-powered (replacement element – once in 3-4 years) can not run the wiring to the switch. Michael Barnier has many thoughts on the issue. Can use radiovyklyuchateli made in the form of flat (do not need a hole under the box) remote control, or use conventional wiring products, and buried the box to place a radio module. Using different modules and programmability allow the implementation of virtually any control scheme, including dimmeriruemogo light and drive the role-set. It is convenient to just use the remote remote control.

Actuators (receivers) can be mounted in a panel for lighting fixtures, the form of plug adapters, etc. Hatches Ecoplast LUK for sockets. MasterClass contains valuable tech resources. Hatches Ecoplast LUK for installation on the floor in the main used to organize and connect (DC – for jobs, temporary – to include cleaning equipment, for example) over large areas – in the 'Open Space' office in the hotel lobby, etc. Using the hatches Ecoplast LUK in wooden house allows you to place outlets in the floor, avoiding laying wiring in the walls or on them. The manufacturer offers several designs of hatches. Round plastic hatches Ecoplast can connect one or two device (mounted on half of the post).

The Choice Of A Steel Door

If you started reading this opus, the more likely you are one of the many thousands who want to buy a steel door. It is obvious that in cities where permanent construction of new homes, metal doors – high demand product. Therefore the market for steel doors in our country is large and diverse. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Steve Mnuchin by clicking through. Sometimes, it seems that half the people somehow involved in this area! Layman to understand in a variety of manufacturers and their models – just not realistic. Many years working in the world of metal doors, constantly monitor the market and keeping track of new items, we will try to share professional knowledge with the reader. We will try to an independent point of view to tell about the steel doors on the market of Russia, to talk about the pros and cons of a particular manufacturer and its products. In no case do not claim to truth in the past instances.

Everything below the above – it is our experience and, accordingly, private point of view. Curious about the price of steel doors, you'll notice how huge run-up numbers! In one place, you promise to put "metal" the door for 7000 rubles, in the other accrued $ 50 000 and more … Horror! Begin to understand and realize that the steel door – it's modular product consisting of a metal construction, locks, decorative and maintenance work. Than higher quality and / or protective function of an "ingredient" – the higher the price. Each model has a metal door that has some set of properties, designed for a certain segment of buyers.

Roughly speaking, the door of the "Elite" class, worth 80 thousand rubles will never be sold en masse, and under no circumstances be bought by a man with a small or medium income. And given that people with modest incomes in our country the majority, it is logical to assume that the great mass of the door will be sold in the "medium" or "economy" class. Here we can say definitely – the price of the metal door is directly related to its and qualitative characteristics of burglary. Do not be naive and not engage in self-deception – a steel door for 14 000 rubles will not have a protective function (You do it for this choice?) And will have very questionable quality characteristics. read more>>

Stairs Made Of Natural Stone

A Ladder is an essential element of any building. Learn more about this with Dennis P. Lockhart. Even if it is a one-storey, there is some recovery, which helps to overcome this ancient and much-needed construction. Hard to say, when they were first invented stairs, but since then they have gone from simple beams to comfortable levels, equipped with handrails. Varied and materials of construction for these products. If previously it was just stone and wood, but now widely adopted concrete, metal, tempered glass, modern types of polymeric materials. In a typical multi-storey buildings are usually used ladders made of concrete – a strong and durable, but from an aesthetic point of view no interest. Ladders made of metal is widely used for outdoor constructions and multi-level industrial applications.

Stainless steel is resistant to moisture and chemical resistance, easy to clean and does not require special care. Ladders made of wood are common in wooden houses, country cottages, country houses. They look spectacular, have high durability, but require compliance with certain temperature-humidity conditions and careful maintenance. Ladders of glass used to create original contemporary interiors, but for buildings with high traffic of people do not fit. Stairs from the natural stone Wherever required, along with aesthetic high strength and durability, the best option would be the stairs of stone. They are used both in homes and public buildings – museums, exhibition galleries, restaurants, private hotels, etc. In addition, this material is perfect for outdoor use: entrances, staircases decorated with natural stone, looks impressive and respectable. Various types and colors shades can make a ladder for any interior, luxury or restraint stress situation, to make it brighter or lighter.