Krampitz Public Relations
PR agency Krampitz launches celebrations for the renewable energy industry Cologne, 17.12.2012 – Kar PR Agency offers free consultations to issue decisions and measure selection managers, marketing and PR Officer of biomass, solar and wind companies. The talks held between 12:00 and 16:00 Tuesdays from 8 to January 29, 2013. In times in which the press almost daily reported job cuts and bankruptcies, overcapacity, punitive tariffs and electricity price rises, it is particularly important to counteract with targeted communication measures”, says agency owner Iris Krampitz. Survey. We want the crisis-ridden industry when determining topic and whether it comes to work out the gist of a press release, to decide whether suitable a topic for a press conference or which media you can reach its target groups the best help, planning of measures no matter.” The free talk time per company either by phone or in the Kar – PR Agency is limited to 30 minutes. Deadline for the request for consultation is the respective Friday before the desired appointment. The corresponding form is available from end of December under the following link available: Kar Kar PR agency PR Agency founded in 2004 by the diploma chemistry Iris Krampitz and since then focuses on Public Relations for renewable energy and related areas such as building technology, electric vehicles and energy efficiency. Capital follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The PR Agency is designed to provide the entire corporate PR for its customers internationally and technologically oriented. The offer is a full service PR Agency, but also project wise it is worked for customers.. .