Physiology Human

Human being. SUMMARY the objective of this article is to revise the theories and evidences of the neurofiolgicas bases of the obsessive-compulssivo upheaval, using study works that investigate the farmacolgicos neuroanatomia, neuroimagem, genetics, imunologia, psicocirrgia and treatments. The compulsory behavior as resulted of obsessions that occupy at least one hour per day of the individual, reaching about 2% of the general population. The causes are define for: neuroanatmicas disfunes, genetic aspects and imunolgicas hypotheses.

The treatment is composed two-piece: one based in the mannering cognitivo accompaniment and the other is farmacolgico and for refractory cases, the psicocirrgia. With the inclusion of new technologies it is possible to not only determine upheaval through the analysis of (SOC) the obsessive-compulsory symptoms, however to prove them for examinations as (IRM) the images for magnetic resonance, rectifying the analysis. Word-key: obsessive-compulsory obsessive-compulsory upheaval, neurofisiolofia, symptoms, neuroanatomia, neuroimagem. RSUM Le but of cet article est d’ to examiner les thories et les preuves neurophysiologiques bases DES obsessionnel-compulsif, en utilisant l’ travail tude du d’ instruction woollen neuroanatomie, there neuro-imagerie, gntique, immunologie traitements, psychochirurgie et pharmacologiques. Le comportement compulsif to suite DES obsessions qui occupent au moins joins heure pair there jour of l’ individu, qui touche environ woollen 2% population gnrale. Les you cause sont dfinies pair DES dysfonctionnements neuro-anatomiques, gntiques et immunologiques hypothses.