Psychologists Vertices Director

At this point, would apply Section 3.4.2 a Honestidad, precision , paragraph ii, the EFPA Meta tag, according to which the psychologist must recognize and discard hypotheses, evidence or alternative explanations. build on limited information, because it seems insufficient. Start by reviewing a deeper investigation of the case and make a clinical evaluation (physical and emotional level), which will allow us to know his physical condition as well as resources and coping strategies that has the lowest, interviews with family environment the student, their teachers, friends, s etc Also in the first instance, value the opportunity not to attend the institute for a few days to stop the actions against it, if eventually confirmed, given the seriousness of case. The analysis, in my choice to opt for option 3, is as follows: If you choose option 1 and not some ill-will suffer not only the student with an appropriate intervention is not necessary, but negative consequences may affect third parties who may be involved without having done any act punishable. Schools can also be affected by not having the necessary preventive measures to prevent bullying. If you choose option 2 and abuse do exist, not only will not be interrupted abuse, with corresponding worsening of the situation, but the student will be subject to an intervention that will not fit your problem, confusion and disorientation and may not begin a process tailored to your situation. As a good professional must address the responsibility for their actions – Article 6U COP, Article 10 and 3.3.1 of the EFTA, in the sense that the psychologist has the responsibility for not only the quality of their intervention, but the consequences of their actions, and can not act without thinking about the result.

It seems, therefore, that the most prudent and responsible is to choose option 3. Obviously, and as I said earlier, the first action is to inform the facts to his parents, and to inform the COP, its duty under Article 8U code of ethics. Thus, commencement of interviews, the student and parents or guardians must be knowledgeable, through a language accessible to all, the psychologist's obligation to communicate the case for their protection and the administrative and judicial proceedings can be derived . It should explain the steps followed in such situations, and how the relevant institutions have the resources necessary to act in such cases. At this point of intervention, we must take into account the rule of Truth and Consent, for before proceeding with the action, the patient, in this case the parents have the right always to give their consent to the intervention proposed by the psychologist.

Step 5. Review results at this stage is re-evaluate the process of solving problems. In this case, the solution was to perform an evaluation, and urgent priority, to a greater depth to provide us with more information to determine if there have been cases of abuse, understand that it is the least bad solution may cause the student, then we will ensure that therapeutic intervention is initiated is appropriate for the case and warrants, as I discussed above, among others, the Principle of Charity. Guide role of psychologists in the sexual abuse and other childhood abuse Vertices Psychologists a "Cabinet of Madrid: C / Caleruega, 88A Cabinet Las Rozas de Madrid: 106 Lazarejo Ave Telephone: 91 631 44 93-690 75 85 35 – Email: e All rights reserved Psychologists Vertices Director of Executive MBA Degree in Psychology Masters in Psychodrama Bilingual in English and French Age 39 years of collegiate Nu M-22 453