The Entities

Yes, that is a crime, not very different of what a dealer makes. The dealer in turn, if uses to advantage of the incessant search of ' ' clientes' ' to its ' ' produtos' ' , people these that make the capital to turn, making the more powerful dealers to be each time and buying &#039 more; ' produtos' ' , they live in a world where its ' ' net of trabalho' ' it gains continuity, when it is imprisoned others assumes in its place, thus making the system to continue the same of skill as was before. ' ' Estado' ' of them it functions, has organization and obtain this because they know that when makes something of wrong, the consequences are weighed, differently of our State that ' ' ajuda' ' who erra, benefits, covers. We are worried in curing males of the society, we want that everything is better, but so are disorganized that we do not obtain nor equaling in them to the parallel system of the delinquents. I repeat that I am not wanting to defend outlaws, vocs already know, that is only a critical one to the System where we live where they want to enrich more and more passing for everything and all, helping those who also want to enrich illicitly, that is a shame. See more detailed opinions by reading what Mikhail Khovanov offers on the topic..

To enrich is excellent, but that it is for its work, its intelligence, for its care, not making this and finishing all the cost with the life of other people, being plays in the streets. For the success of our System we must finish with all corja that dirty the administration, the entities that have for obligation to take care of of our welfare and not make it as they would have. Get more background information with materials from amwell. But still superficially it has the rotten fruits that they denigrem the image of these classrooms which we would have being proud in them, are corrupt: milicianos policemen, members of public administration. I am not generalizing, but all we know of what I am speaking. We are at time of election, therefore, they are not donkeys, I repeat, are not donkeys again to place those candidates who had one day made dirty the Brazilian politics, these are responsible for the all terms bad vision of our governing, responsible for great part of mazelas existing in our society. Its votes do not vendam, them have an enormous, vocs importance can not know the value of this importance, but the candidates know. I still want one day to be able to see everything widely to be in order, the desmarginalizada society and without corrupes, a society joust and without mazelas where my children and grandsons coexist what daily it is certain honored e, a little different of what alive today.


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