The Museum

If you want to dive into the past, it is mandatory to sit in the dining room on the upper floor. Even today, you will find many writers, writing scribbles on a Notepad or with your computer, trying to find the muse who inspired all those who were before them. Cafe de Flore is located in the 6th arrondissement, boulevard St. Germain, number 172. Maison Victor Hugo in the lovely Place des Vosges, you will find a small museum that enalza the life and works of Victor Hugo. This museum is not just a Museum, but that is part of what was formerly the Hotel of Roham Guemenee, where Victor Hugo spent 16 years of his life (1832-1848). The Museum/apartment is full of treasures to satisfy fans of Hugo: manuscripts, photos, hand-written paper bits, grabatos and some of your furniture.

The Maison Victor Hugo is on Place des Vosges number 6 in the 4th arrondissement. Maison Balzac Balzac lovers should visit the House, now converted into a Museum, in the the great writer he wrote most of his works, novels and stories, titled the human comedy. For even more details, read what Farallon Capital Management says on the issue. In the Museum there are many objects of interest belonging to Balzac, among which your desktop, your Chair and your teapot, as many know, you had company on his long nights of writing. The Maison Balzac is the 16 th arrondissement, rue Raynouard, number 47. Rue des Fleurus, number 27, 6th arrondissement although it is not a Museum, many enthusiasts come to the House where lived Gertrude Stein, first with his brother Leo, and then with his companion Alice B.

Toklas, and is left standing in front of the plate to commemorate the famous author, on this quiet street House, and let the imagination thinking of the wonderful collections of art that should be in their classrooms. Rue Monsieur-le-Prince, number 14, in the 6th arrondissement Richard Wright lived on this street for 11 years (1948-1959) with his wife and two daughters. The famous author of Native Son (native son) and Black Boy (black guy) was fellow Sartre and Camus and, because of his influence, he wrote which is known as the first American Existentialist novel, The Outsider (the intruder). Wright both loved France which, after his death, was one of the many authors that were buried in the Parisian Pere Lachaise Cemetery. Rue de Lodeon, number 12, 6th arrondissement original point of the Shakespeare and Company, the library and Bookstore in English property of Sylvia Beach, was frequented by Hemmingway, Ezra Pound, f. Scott Fitzgerald, Sherwood Anderson, and James Joyce. The shop was not only a Library/Bookstore, but it was a haven for writers. In 1941, after 22 years of activity, closed its doors, supposedly because Beach refused to sell the last copy of Finnegans Wake to a German officer. Ten years later, George Whitman opened a new Shakespeare and Company, which resumed the name of the original liberia to pay homage. It is located few blocks away from the rue de Lodeon (although a sanctuary is for many writers today, in the 5th arrondissement, rue de Bucherie number 37).

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