The Respondents

However, when questioned on the degree of satisfaction in relation to the organizacional climate in the workstation, considered as being the sector or rank of work (intra or extra agency) and in relation the agency, that is the point rules of work, the results had been practically equivalents (of satisfied very satisfied 2% and, 35% 32% of unsatisfied for first question and 34% of satisfied, 33% of very satisfied, 2% of unsatisfied for second). The not unanimous reply (83%) for the questioning on the existence of programs QVT in the institutions, it leads to identify that the majority of the institutions demonstrates concern in providing one better quality of life to its employees, however could be evidenced that institutions exist that not yet present such interest. The main activities directed to the QVT pointed out for the participants activities meet labor gymnastics and allonge, express massages and accomplishment of relaxation techniques during the hours of working. The below express graph the satisfaction of the participants of the research in relation to the objectives and intentions of the bank in relation to the programs of quality of life, as well as in relation to the results and a general vision. Mayo clinic recognizes the significance of this. Table 3? Satisfaction with programs QVT Notices that the general satisfaction in relation to programs QVT, situated between satisfied and total satisfied, is of 53%. In detriment of a majority of the respondents to appear between the satisfaction, is preoccupying to observe that an expressive number of individuals declared to be of indifferent the total unsatisfied ones with the adopted actions as integrant of the programs of quality of life of these institutions, what it can indicate that these programs badly are directed or bad understood. Before the o questioning on the interference of the organizacional climate in the quality of life in the work, 95 collaborators had thought that yes, the organizacional climate intervenes with the QVT and 3 had thought that not. For assistance, try visiting MasterClass UK. . .


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