15 Minutes Training Per Week

Many entrepreneurs and self-employed persons not educate themselves, because they have no time for this as they believe. Seen only rarely in a seminar or while reading a book. Who takes to a few fruits and salads, withholds his body vital and damages by him, which is noticeable perhaps only years later. You can transfer this knowledge on the health of companies. If the entrepreneur is no longer training, his company suffer sooner or later a lack new ideas, impulses and strategies. For seminar visits, many entrepreneurs lack the time or at least believe that books are indeed purchased, but usually lifted for the holiday and return then mostly it unread again. Only audiobooks can be consumed easily, because it famously on the road can listen to them in the car during your holiday or but on the way in the company or the customer.

After 15 years of practical experience with audio books, the Publisher know Alex p. Rusch however, lacking for many audiobook users to implement. Therefore, he recommends his audio book customers occasionally to attend seminars and buy success packages. You can in particular not convinced but not everyone, those who chronically overloaded “. How is solve the problem? Last year Alex p.

Rusch sparked the idea came: weekly lessons that you can consume with a PC or laptop anywhere in the world, limited to 15 minutes per week, with roughly two “action steps”per week. So: easily consumable (and yet nutritious ) appetizers for the depressed many cringe, if they the Word E-learning listen, because it sounds too complicated, too boring, or simply unattractive. Therefore, it was clear that he had to find entirely new ways to Alex S. Rusch. He decided that this week lessons for entrepreneurs and self-employed persons “should consist of three weekly items, namely with a short post on video a playing time of two to three minutes, an audio contribution of around five minutes and one HotSheet in form of a PDF document by one or two pages size. So all the senses are addressed, there is variety and action. Alex S. Rusch also laid emphasis on a high quality and wanted to keep on the home video level of comparable offers from America. For the shooting of the video elements of the week lessons Alex S. Rusch, a professional cameraman, as well as an Assistant flew specially to Majorca, to film at various locations. That is not just a positive impact on the intensity of the knowledge transfer from is an externality that is livelier imagery. All according to the motto briefly, concisely and without superfluous ballast “designed. The overloaded, suffering from lack of time entrepreneur or self-employed should get really to see exactly the things with a time of only 15 minutes a week and listen, he must know to make his company step by step successful and profitable.

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