Electronic Counting Scales

Libra is a measuring instrument and intended for the calculation of weight. Weight is measured by such a unit, as pounds, as well as its derivatives, such as tons, grams, milligrams, etc. Due to the fact that it is absolutely accurately measure the weight of unrealistic, then the weights of evidence can be considered valid with a certain margin of error. Get more background information with materials from Nicholas Carr. On the other hand, indications of the weighing results in the display of electronic scales are reproduced with certain increment, denoted by the value d. For example, the display shows the trade weights 1 kg, by adding a weight of 3 grams of readings will be equal to 1.005 kg, ie will change in increments of d = 5, many mistakenly believe This quantity d is the measurement error weight. However, it is not. The maximum permissible error of measurement determined by the price verification scale – a special metrological value is usually a manufacturer of weights guarantee ratio: d = e. This equation allows us to establish the connection between discrete readings and measurement error.

Also of importance are the highest metrological characteristics (IVC) and smallest (NmPV) limits weighing. Beyond these limits the testimony of weights are accurate. Electronic scales of high accuracy measurements can not be simultaneously a large value of the NIP. Decide first what you have more important. For accurate weighing is best to stay in balance with a smaller value of e and a small IVC, respectively. Model selection is influenced by a number of functional features: a set of scales implemented in functions, constructive (external or built-in indicator, etc.), type of food, an interface, the operating conditions – a number of models produced at a higher dust-and waterproof performance or load cell and a platform from stainless steel. When choosing, make sure you include whether the required functions for standard or options.

As an example of neglect of metrology measurements can be weighted to bring the literal use of consumer so-called counting function of electronic scales. This feature is available in countable models of scales CAS CS, SC, AC and is a two-step process, first calculating the average weight of similar products (by determining the weight of a sample of a certain number of them), and after – an unknown number of them in the working portion of its weight. In the advertising material from time to time give the result of counting up to things, does not indicate what a real piece error calculations. Naturally, the claimed accuracy – the formal result obtained by the microprocessor when the weights of an arithmetic operation of division. Therefore, the interpretation of results measurement should be a specialist with expertise related to mathematical statistics and possession of a priori information about the statistical properties of weighted items. Counting scales, in this case, play supporting role.

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