Bradesco Day

Brazil crossed with tranquilidade and security the period of turbulences, provoked for the crisis more recent than it affected the global economy, conquering, thus, respect and optimism of the Market. This conjuncture of economic stability, that allows to glimpse consistent evolution in 2010, is propitious for the increase of the job and the income of the families, as well as of the expansion of the credit, especially in the real estate sector, whose demand offers great potential of leverage, over all with the norms that protect the National Financial System and the stimulatons of the diverse social programs promoted by the Federal Government. Learn more on the subject from Mikhail Khovanov. Based on values as respect, ethics and transparency, the Bradesco faces with determination the challenge to consolidate its detached presence in the national economic environment, demonstrating to force and singular capacity of financial intermediador, stimulating investments, democratizing the credit, extending offers of products, rendering of services and solutions, promoting, with priority, the banking inclusion and social mobility. The Bradesco wants to arrive more far to be more close to the customer. With presence in 100% of the Brazilian cities, the Bank is centered in the national market with full conditions to offer to ample gamma of products and services, in its extensive Net of Attendance, with 37.476 points, as Banking Agencies, Ranks, Postal Bank, Express Bradesco, beyond 30.657 machines of Autoatendimento of the Bradesco Day & Night and 7,300 of the Banco24Horas, and also the Canals of Conveniences Internet Banking and Easy Fone, what it guarantees full conditions to it to expand its base of customers, endorsed in the confidence of the best Bradesco Mark and in the practical ones of Corporative Governana.


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