Cultural Patrimony

in the end of the decade of 90 came the world-wide recognition: Diamantina receives from UNESCO the heading of Cultural Patrimony of the Humanity. Diamonds the botocudos indians had guided the first explorers for the region, in gold search. Mines not yet had disclosed all its fascinating world golden when, in 1714, teeny shining rocks had been found in the Arraial of the Tijuco. Precious and rare. The diamond until then was only joined in India.

Of the one to understand the rebulio that the discovery caused at the time. The diamantfero period served as a period of great growth for Portugal. The rocks transladadas for the Kingdom fomented greater investment in squadrons and diverse trips for ' ' entrances and bandeiras' ' in the rinces of Brazil. The ballast of diamonds, made in that the Portuguese opened trails, tracks and shortcuts that had taken them the de Piratininga behind new lodes, concomitantly to the inverse way of Are Sebastio of Rio De Janeiro. The tropeiros, diamond transporters and dealers, had of course created ways for the draining of these values, and that it came if to call Real Road; binding to the city of Serro and Diamantina the Parati, in Rio De Janeiro. Currently tourist point of great repercussion for the city of Diamantina.

Rocks precious, together with gold, left the ports of Rio De Janeiro. The ships loaded vine of Portugal with common rocks, that served as ballast. Gold and diamonds came back with. They were the common rocks as payment. In contrast of the Cycle of the Gold, that declined in the end of century XVIII, the Cycle of the Diamond, kept its exuberncia for more time. Still in 1831, year where the arraial passed if to call Diamantina Village, the diamond extration and commerce originated great wealth. The requintada elite of Minas Gerais had space more, while the cities of the gold amarguravam exhaustion of its deposits.


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