BRAZIL Distance

With regard to the economic aspects, and the just solidary commerce involves questions of logistic, commercialization, abilities of exportation of the certified products and the acceptance of the products in the market (FAIRTRADE BRAZIL, 2007). One of the characteristics most important of this certification is the establishment of a minimum price, which must cover manufacture or production the costs and offer an edge of profit for investment. Beyond the minimum price, a prize is stipulated that must be invested in the improvement of the conditions of life of the producers, workers and its communities, being on with the social development (FAIRTRADE BRAZIL, 2007). The ambient concern also is great. Rigid norms in such a way for the certified products as for those in certification process are adopted. For reduction of the physical ambient impacts, the exploration in virgin forests is forbidden, if the explored area will be close to these, must be kept a minimum distance of 100 meters (INTERNATIONAL FAIRTRADE LABELLING ORGANIZATIONS, 2008).

In the distance minimum of the rivers, lakes, secondary forests, secondary bushes and quagmires it must be of 20 meters. For tertiary bushes a distance of 2 meters must be kept. Moreover, strategies for ground handling must be adopted that maximize the water retention in the ground, do not cause erosions and prevent its salinization (INTERNATIONAL FAIRTRADE LABELLING ORGANIZATIONS, 2008). To diminish the chemical ambient impacts, preference for the organic substance use must be given e, only in last case, to use synthetic substances with low toxicidade, that do not present accumulating effect and that they present low persistence. These measures look for to prevent the pollution of waters and the contamination of the ground, the fauna and the flora.


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