
After World War II the world passed for loafing evolutivos periods of training the specializations and the tecnicista search of professionals molded the life of the man the constant adjustment in the requirements started to be a new challenge for the worker a psychological impact, radical changes that many had been submerged, the domain of the intelligent machines and the production in mass. 4 CONCLUSION While to exist a society always work will exist, therefore the same one does not have as to exist without the work more it cannot the same say with regard to the job that can be something lasting or being able to be valuable while its time to last, to be a productive citizen is an order inside of the capitalist society since whom we are born to the first investigations of the parents it is not what my son goes to be when to grow? It is in the character of the human being and the nation, therefore when we are unemployeds or if surprise in the exclusion of a job vacant auto-esteem are shaken can say that the word job is a method of measure of income for many essentials more the fact to be dismissed is to feel itself unproductive and invalidate in the society.

The society of today is divides between winners and the losers many are unaware of the method of as to be successful in the life a period of training in the accomplishment process and generation of wealth do not enxergam its work as one as knowing to enxergar its work as new a rock to be polishing opens horizontes either owner of its work its futuro’ ‘ , therefore the value of the things can not be in the time where they last more in the intensity as they happen for this reason exist inexplicable facts and people incomparveis’ ‘ nobody is equal to nobody. Choices in our life exist that it needs to be considered with the essence of our being ‘ ‘ ours profisso’ ‘ , therefore he is something that goes to influence in all our new decisions goes to open horizontes our work goes much more beyond what we think it is form as the society perhaps if you organize and play its design you are recognized for its work you you did not perceive plus express it through its personality the work that exerts. Either owner of its work the exploration of this precious one only depends on you, the size of its dream alone depends on you does not leave if to lose in the areas of the beach taken for the high and low waves of of the life each period of training is a new recommences. BIBLIOGRAPHY De Mais, Domenico. The future of the work: fatigue and cio in the postindustrial society..


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