Encamped Ones

They were going to try to look for a consensus exceeds how to raise the Sun encamped one. Before rain becomes rough the assembly, the commission of Legal proposed that the encamped ones went away " in one semana" , an initiative that created dissonance. In Barcelona they decide to continue spending the night in the Catalonia place. There will be a great march the 19 of June at state level. Mobilizations the 11 of June during the investitures of the mayors.

Strong rains and the storm that have fallen during afternoon of Sunday in Madrid have caused that the general assembly of the encamped ones in the Door of the Sun postpones itself until this 20,00 Monday to h. Soon after to have begun, they announced in his official profile of Twitter that the assembly was provisionally slow one hour, based on the time. Before the meeting had been postponed, they had begun to speak the commission of Legal of the camping. In her hab of " how to raise the encamped one of Sol" , they indicated from the Twitter of the encamped one, and the different proposals are mentioned: " Claiming acts, to leave meeting point, calendar of mobilizations, etc" , they add. Legal it clarified that always they are going to consider the encamped possibility of " like tool of accin" . " Legal it has proposed to go us in one week " , they continued saying from the Twitter de Acampada Sun. " There has been dissent and #AGSol by tormenta&quot has dissolved; , they added.

At the moment, one is a proposal because rain has forced to postpone the assembly in which it will struggle on this initiative, with that already anticipated some hands in high its dissonant opinion. " The encamped one is not an objective in itself " , it has affirmed before congregated the spokesman of this Commission, that has stressed that the encamped ones will not go away of the place by " agents externos" , but because consider they it. In the celebrated assembly east Sunday in the morning between the different ones encamped Spanish they have decided, in addition, the celebration of two great mobilizations: for the 11 and the 19 of June. In Barcelona they will decide this week ' indignados' of the Catalonia place of Barcelona they have approved mainly the night of this Sunday that next week they will decide the moment in that the place " nocturna&quot stops having activity; and therefore the pernoctaciones finish, although they will continue the diurnal activities so that he is " gora permanente". Source of the news: Postponed in the rain until this Monday the assembly of the encamped ones in the Door of the Sun


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