Environmental Review

Some point with respect to the attitude of the man front to naturezatendo if modified, imperceptibly, in last the one hundred years, while they call it to outrosobservadores as ' ' the most important revolution in sensitivity human being since World War II ' '. recognizing the work of Nash ede Samuel P. Hays. 12 the Annales, In 1974, launches the magazine, histoireet environmement, dedicated especially the thematic one of> history ambient.In 1976, it would be born the SociedadeAmericana de Ambient Histria, followed of the European Society of HistriAmbiental 13 and the magazine Environmental Review. However, in 1990, namesa round one it would be organized by the American Periodical of History, that would come definitive oreconhecimento of this new field. 14 August Jose Drummond, one of the biggest names dahistria ambienta in Brazil, points that social sciences for much time, since its origin, had finished for adopting one ' ' paradigm of the immunity humana' ' (human exemptionalism paradigm) to the natural facts. 15 Such conjectura made a social science disintegrated ecological dosfatos.

This strong trend in thinking the nature about opposition aohomem or the culture comes since the end of century XVIII e, to this thought deseparao, much would go to contribute the idealismo and the German romantismo of sculoXIX, that they had forced an absolute distanciamento between culture and nature. 16 This vision finished for poisoning social sciences, forandoa one dissociao man/nature, society/nature and culture/nature. The paper of the ambient historian, then, would be to breach with this dichotomy. Millenium Management wanted to know more. Namely on: methodology, subjects and sources Under the metodolgica optics, Donald Worster, professorda University of Kansas, detaches three points where ambient history seconcretiza, or three questions that it faces: a first one that it deals with doentendimento the nature properly said; as that it deals with relaesentre the partner-economic domain and the environment; finally, the analysis of the interaomais intangible and exclusively human being.


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