Gladys Marin

5 Do not want to educate yourself: most of them that we are working on the internet not We have formal studies of the Network, do not think that it is not necessary, you must train you as such, if you want to succeed, don’t believe that you don’t have the need to educate yourself, you must invest in your education because you will not only learn. 6.* Doubts that you can make money: head Sacate doubts that you may have about this topic, there are many people that we make money on the internet, it is not something that is achieved in a two by three, but with work, constancy and productivity is achieved. Family.* offer low demand products: when you decide to work a niche market, you have to choose products that provide solutions to the wishes, addictions and problems of your potential customers, points to the market and promoted in the places where you can find people interested. 8.* Do not believe your list: If you’ve heard that the money is in the list, as the more true, who is have greater success isn’t because they have more skills or greater knowledge, is because your list is bigger, you have to create a page to capture emails from potential customers and make them an adequate follow-up. 9.* Do not follow a system: If you don’t have a system, you’re lost, you need a plan to keep your business afloat, create a page and sit and wait for customers to arrive or fall out of the sky, it is a very bad strategy. He began to use different promotion techniques that exist, many of them are free and you just need to invest your time. 10.* No prospectas: make friends on social networks is not prospecting, fill the Twitter followers, is not prospecting, if you expect that reach your sales through social media are wrong. For that there are blogs, captures pages, get a good use of these elements and you will retain your readers that over time will be your clients or partners in your business. These are some of the mistakes that you should avoid, begins with what you have, little by little you’ll start to have more subscribers, more sales, more presence on the network. Enjoy your work, be proactive, focalizate, esfuerzate in being productive and very soon those seeds will germinate and can reap from your achievements. For your success Gladys Marin.

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