
After an injury to articulate, almost always will have some loss of associated movement. This loss, can be attributed the diverse pathological factors, including, to the contratura of the fabric conjunctive inert (ligaments and capsules to articulate); to the resistance to the allonge of the fabric contrtil or the musculotendinosa unit or, still, to the combination of these two factors. If not treated adequately, the joint will be able to become horse-draw and will finish presenting degeneration signals. PHYSIOLOGICAL AND ACCESSORY MOVEMENTS the osteocinemtico movement is the known movement more, therefore he is resulted of the active, concentrical and eccentric contractions muscular, that move a bone or joint. Read more here: Dennis Lockhart. The accessory or artrocinemticos movements are the form for which a surface to articulate is moved in relation to the other. The physiological movement is voluntary, and the accessory movements normally follow the physiological movement.

If some component of the movements accessories will be limited, the normal physiological movements will not occur. A muscle cannot total be rehabilitated if the joints will not be free to be put into motion and vice versa. ARTROCINEMTICA Artrocinematicamente, when a joint if moves, three types of movement can occur between the two osseas surfaces: the turn, the rolling and the landslide. The turn around occurs of some mechanical axle longitudinal static and can occur in such a way in the clockwise one, how much in the counter-clockwise one. Former: the movement of the head of the radio in the joint radio-umeral, as it occurs in the pronation and the supinao of antebrao. The rolling happens when a series of points of a surface to articulate enters in contact with a series of points of another surface to articulate. Former: the femorais cndilos rounded off rolling on the plain and static tibial plateau. The landslide occurs when the same point in a surface enters in contact with a series of points of another surface.


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