Brazil Used

If the produced seasoning will be of great amount and you not to use everything it donates the neighbor to it or it commercializes with accessible price the population, therefore it is about a product of low investment. In two months the compostagem process will be finished and the seasoning could be used. To make the compostagem of the residues domestic servants you will be reducing the garbage you domesticate in about 60%, reducing expenses with the service of collection of the same. As the compostagem is a natural process is ideal that if revire the layers of three in three days one better oxygenation and to speed up the decomposition process. Where to use or to apply the composition? It can be used with a mixture of 1/3 of composition, 1/3 of sand and 1/3 of land making of it a rich seasoning for new plants, plants of interiors and floreiras.

The maturado composition used in is relvados, seedbeds, floreiras, vases and boilers of the trees, in projects of paisagstica architecture with a mixture of 40% of land and 60% of the composition if it becomes ideal for new shrubs, trees, relvados and seedbeds. It can be used as cattle bed, adds organic substance when applied in the plantations and used at any time of the year the organic garbage this being compostado in a small container with the size of 40x15x20 m for experiment. This in decomposition rinds of fruits and lgumes and leves. It does not present odor of rotten, insects and ants. This challenge beyond being is a new experience reducing the organic garbage compostando, this all being reaproveitado and leaving of being made use in the municipal lixo. Hmus produced in the end of the process will be used in the plants and vases of the residence of the author of the project. Bibliographical references: Domiciliary Compostagem.

In Brazil

This if becomes each time more clearly when we observe a considerable growth in the number of companies who work with recycling of materials. An example of this concern is the Replaneta project, that consists of collection of cans of aluminum and bottles PET, for posterior recycling, and that it has as bases of sustentation for the success of the business the automation and an efficient logistic operation of reversa (MALINVERNI, 2002.). The new ambient regulations, in special the referring ones to the residues, come compelling the logistic one to operate in its calculations with ' ' costs and the benefits externos' '. E, in function of this, understands that the logistic green can be seen as a new paradigm in the sector. In accordance with ALCOFORADO (2002), the logistic ecological green or acts in set with logistic reversa, in the direction to minimize the ambient impact, not only of the residues in the sphere of the production and of after-I consume, but of all the impacts throughout the cycle of life of the products.

2.5.4 LOGISTIC REVERSA IN BRAZIL In Brazil not yet exists no legislation that encloses this question, and therefore the logistic process of reversa is in diffusion and not yet it is faced by the companies as a process ' ' necessrio' ' , since the majority of the companies does not possess a specific department to manage this question; thus, some Resolutions are used, as, for example, the Conama n 258, of 26/08/99, that it establishes that the companies manufacturers and the importers of tires are obliged to collect and to give destination final, ambiently adequate, to the inservveis tires, proportionally to defined the amounts manufactured and imported in this Resolution, what practically compels the companies of this segment to support politics of logistic reversa. BARBIERI and DAYS (2002). This concept is in constant growth in Brazil and the world, and is clearly that the companies, each time more, have if worried in considering the incidental costs and the reductions of costs that this process can cause.

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