
To develop this complication may include: inadequate disinfection of the skin, excess of injury, greater depth of injection, poor sterilization units injector in contact with the patient's skin, a large amount of input into one point of the drug, the wrong treatment and skin care after procedures, including in the home. The result is a scarring of necrosis, the presence of addiction may cause keloid scars. Speaking candidly Jeff Flake told us the story. Treatment of skin necrosis – Local – disinfectant and wound-healing drugs (solkoserilovy gel, aloe extract, collagen-independent, dimeksid, etc.) during the propagation process of broad-spectrum antibiotics. Atopic Dermatitis Atopic dermatitis occurs in the form delayed-type hypersensitivity. Repeated contact with the allergen for 48 – 72 hours develop an inflammatory response in erythematous or vesicular form.

Sensitized lymphocytes migrate to the site re-exposure to the antigen and react with it. As a result, stand inflammatory mediators, and developed a clinical picture of atopic dermatitis. Skin and allergic reactions of immediate type when Skin and allergic reactions of immediate type (anaphylactic) antibodies sensitized tissues, fixed on the surface of mast cells, combined with the reintroduction of the antigen, resulting in immediate release of physiologically active substances histamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, oc-oglikanov, etc. As a result, developed a local allergic reaction with swelling of the skin, blisters and itching. Common allergic reaction can manifest as urticaria, angioedema and anaphylactic shock. The physician conducting the procedure of mesotherapy must be prepared to provide appropriate medical care and have all the necessary tools for its conduct. The skin should be thoroughly cleaned with saline, distilled water or thermal water, intramuscularly + antihistamines, intravenous sodium thiosulfate, or calcium chloride; External lotion (solution of silver, boric acid, tannin, etc.), hormone creams and ointments (Advantan, etc.), and bullous reactions – paste (Lassara, etc.). Aggravation of herpetic infection is known that for 18 years over 90% of urban residents infected with one or more strains of the herpes virus, and recurrent forms of herpes affects 10 to 20% of the population. The complications of mesotherapy as a result of reactivation of herpes viral infection significantly reduce the cosmetic results of ongoing procedures, which can cause emotional and negative reaction in the patient. As a preventive measure that can protect the patient from possible complications should be recommend prophylactic administration of antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs (eg, acyclovir) for 4-5 days before the course of mesotherapy. Other side effects and complications, you can follow any responses to discuss Cosmetology forum about beauty and cosmetics.

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