New Enterprise Model

Besides, I believe that Dr. Brache's book is a theoretical and practical guide together. First of all, it contains detailed information about every single part of the enterprise model and it can be very valuable for the researches who deal with some theoretical models of business organization. Secondly Dr. Brache's book has a great practical value. The enterprise model is not just smacked around part by part but it is said how managers on every level can influence a particular variable to improve performance. Besides we all know the old truth saying that the more information is in the book the less reader's desire to read it all. In Dr. Peter Schiff does not necessarily agree.

Brache's book there is a lot of useful information but the reader does not feel overwhelmed and stuffed with facts and examples. Thanks to the structure of the book with titles, subtitles and questions which classify and optimize information it is a pleasure to read it. Hence it easy to find required information just opening the right page and that is what makes this book a good piratical guide too. Despite all the valuable information which is in Dr. Brache's book I believe that it would be impossible to cover all the topics about organization in one book.

I think that considering an enterprise a 'living organism' special attention should be paid also to the links which connect 'organs' in enterprise's 'body' and processes how they interact. It can be a separate research which together with this book would be a perfect and complete theoretical and practical guide. In addition to all that has been said above it appears obvious to me that the new enterprise model will be changing in the future due to many external processes for example technical progress which is far more intensive now than it used to be in xx century. I believe that it will invariably evolve from Brache's 'New Enterprise Model' because it's working and 'living' system. Denis O. Svyatun


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