
To educate children is a non-transferable responsibility; the parents need to become jumbled more I submerge in this process, as much in the home as in the school. He is anti ecological and he breaks the own natural laws of the development and learning of the human being, to delegate the education of this one (character, values, ethics, etc.) in other instances different from the family. Also it is anti ecological (against natura) that some institution like the State, the right is repealed to educate the children of a nation, instead of its parents. The home: seed plot of the future generations of responsible citizens and jeopardizes with its nation. The home is the main institution for the qualification of the future generations, to form brings back to consciousness of the citizen futures of a republic.

Daniel Wesbster says on the matter: the home is first of the schools and best classroom for education, the heart will cooperate there with the mind, the affection with the powers of the reflection. Lydia Sigourney adds as well: the force of a nation, especially a republican nation, is in the intelligence and the order of the homes of a town. It exists, then, a directly proportional relation, between the quality of management and the commitment of the governors of turn with democratic principles and morals, with the education received in the home. Until where the participation arrives from the parents in the educative process of the parents? Sandal besides the formation of the character, values and attitudes, a protagnica participation in the instruction process and learning to obtain a formation that makes possible to its children an effective performance to him in an office (academic and vocational aspects of its children). Even though the school plays a stellar roll in this sense, the parents need to become jumbled thorough in the process.

Learning English

HOW TO LEARN ENGLISH? N1 By Ed Ospin, author of English Aims Without Teacher It spends time: Far, the most important factor when you are learning or studying English is the amount of time who you happen practicing it or studying it. Following the time that you invest in the study and practice of the English, will depend its learning, by all means, the quality that you impose to him to the learning also is determining; many ways exist to study and to learn English, more effective than others. The key of an effective learning is in a correct integration of the learning of the four linguistic abilities: To listen to several times (5 or 6 times any content) and repeating what it is listened to aloud; I dare to say over some opinions, that this is the ability linguistic more important of all, followed of the conversation. Aloud reading the contents that study, writing through exercises or simply writing the same contents of a text, which will help to the identification of the vocabulary and structures. Taking all opportunity that appears to talk on the subjects that are learned. Relating the new words to phrases or orations and repeating them permanently.

Most important of all the previous one, it is that anyone is the activity that is being used in the learning process, will have to become of a way that really is enjoyed and it takes advantage. To listen and to read every day: The opportunities are many that must nowadays to carry out the more important linguistic ability when learning a language: listening of recordings of audio, recordings in MP3, listening of programs of radio, Internet, programs of television, and native or nonnative people with excellent articulation. A very good possibility is to read at the same time as it listens to a content.

Juana Viale

WHO INCARNATES TO THE MALPARIDA? Juana Viale is an Argentine actress, granddaughter of the famous actress and conductor Mirtha Legrand and of the film director Daniel Tinayre. Its race like actress in 2003 began, when mother enters with a personage the second stage costumary Argentinas.Su is Marcela Tinayre and its father Ignacio Viale, has 2 brothers, Ignacio " Nacho" and Rocco, (son of Marcela with Gastaldi Marks). She was even of the model Ivn de Pineda. In the 2002 an engagement with the musician begins Juan de Benedictis, son of the Argentine singer Piero. Soon after it is pregnant. From that relation her first daughter is born Amber, when Juanita was 20 years old. In 2003 she knows Fonzi Takings in Argentine Customs, and begins a romance with him.

In 2005 it knows Gonzalo Valenzuela in Double Life and they are put in pair. From that pair the second son of Juanita is born, Wild. In 2009 one separated of Valenzuela, and he had a brief romance with the tennis player Gastn Gaudio, although he recognized never it. At the moment one reconciled with Gonzalo Valenzuela, the father of his son. TRAJECTORY: It has participated in soap operas like " Customs argentinas" , " The Roldn" , " Fra&quot blood; , " Double vida" , " amor&quot is said; , " By love to vos" , " Women asesinas" and " Malparida". In cinema: " Corazn&quot radio; , " The widows of jueves" , " The cinema of Maite" , " The mother country equivocada". The LIST Gonzalo Heredia, Juana Viale, Carina Zampini, Forest German and Raul Taibo, who will be accompanied by a list of forward edge conformed by: Patricia Viggiano, Fabiana Garci’a Lake, Esteban Perez, Alexander Mller, Brenda Gandini, Gabriela Sari, Mnica Villa, Mnica Galn and Great Gastn. I had the opportunity to see the three first chapters and it seems to me that within the scheme of culebrn classic contemporary has all the ingredients to become a phenomenon of hearings, not only in Argentina, but in all the consuming countries of soap operas, including Colombia. It would be a painted success of strategy nor, for the Channel that decides to acquire the rights of emission of this Argentine soap opera, that nor that. original Author and source of the article.

The Quality

It fortifies your car concept or image. Cntrate in your talents, not in your defects. Result: you will project a strong, powerful, proactive leadership. 3.Tristeza/depression This emotion helps to prepararte a loss significant or to assume frustrated expectations. When it is prolonged, it means that you live under constant labor dissatisfaction (or personnel). Recommendation: it cries if you were not promoted that as much you wished, if the project that you carried out did not give the planned results or if you have visited 30 clients and all they said that no.

But later takes hold a handkerchief, dry your tears to you, releases the pain that this caused to you, otherwise you will begin to perceive to the full world of bitterness and you will become paralyzed, making the problem more serious. It undertakes a new beginning but applying a different formula. You do not return to do the same because you will obtain the same results. If east step becomes difficult to you, requests aid. Result: you will reflect an optimistic and creative leadership.

4.Preocupacin Permite to concentrate all capacities and creativity in the resolution of a challenge or problem. If constantly you are worried, means that you perceive too many labor or personal situations or challenges like circumstances on which you do not have influence or control, reason why most probable is than you are under constant stress or anxiety. Recommendation: before a challenge or problem, tomato a time to think about its possible causes and solutions. It defines well your strategy and it undertakes the required ways that dictate to your experience and common sense to you. Concntrate in the accomplishment of the actions that you decided. Although it seems contradictory, I recommend to you that psychologically you free yourself of the result that delays. This one will arrive as a result of the actions that you realise now, in other words, I want that you understand that the quality than you do in the present will form the quality of your future.


Anaxagoras (499 – 428 A. C) it was born in clazomene (towards minor) and dirijio to Athens in the 453. Bound by friendship and political adhesion to Pericles. It was accused by impiedad by the enemies of this and one was forced to leave the city in the 434. Passing away in lampsaco. Anaxagoras was according to Diogenes Laercio, was " first that to marteria, aadio intelligence. The Ionian tradition renews in Anaxagoras, in whose opinion nothing is generated nor destroyed, but is simple mescla and separation. The fundamental question of the pre-Socratic philosophy.

The interrogation by the permanent being with a view to the explanation than occurs and changes. It is solved by Anaxagoras not by means of the supposition of a only principle nor by means of the affirmation of which the being only is. " but fine and pure of all the things " nous is therefore the principle of the order but also the principle of animation and individualisation of the things that constitute the harmonic order of the universe, but nous produces the order of a way anticipated from always. Not as a destiny, but like a force. Mechanic that it develops from its own center, that is to say, of the center of its movement in eddy nous is therefore, principle of the movement, but of a movement that extends almost blindly, because it is animation rather that fulfillment of a necessary justice.

For that reason it affirms Aristotle who the thought of Anaxagoras lacks clarity. Because although it explains the transit of the chaos to the order like intervention in the confused thing and mesclado of the pure thing and without mescla it explains, it without justifying as well the purpose of this pure and universal spirit. The perception of the things takes place, according to Anaxagoras, by means of the sensation of the differences between our the external senses and objects.

Secretary General Iberoamericana

Dominican republic 22 of April of 2011 General secretariat Iberoamericana Distinguished Gentlemen: In the month of October ” will be a new opportunity to present/display the subject of State; Vial” security; in front of the agent chief executives of Ibero-America. The Summits of Government and celebrated Chiefs of State in El Salvador and Portugal, gave problematic space to the regional one in their programs of action without to the date we see forceful initiatives in some member countries. How to develop programs destined importantizar youth and the education from the Secretary General? If our adolescents and the productive people in age according to the last international information are killed their in asphalt. 143.000 deaths to the year, and injured million of consume the budgets of the Latin American nations, that vertiginously grow in population and the park to carry. In next May, the United Nations will declare the Decade of Action by the Road Security 2011-2020, whose intentions announced in Madrid by the Government of the Federation of Russia, during IV the Plenary one of the Latin American Conference, presided over by the Dr.

Enrique V. Churches, to beginning of the 2010. It has been an aspiration of many organizations and personalities the initiative of the Decade of Action; however, lack impulse so that the nations of this western region from America to the plans register to per capita diminish the rate of death by more and more ascending traffic accidents according to registers in the information. It is for this reason, that we insisted on this means, to the Secretary General Iberoamericana, to include the Road Security in its next agenda and to stimulate to the Governments in the scene caused in Paraguay so that real and indeed they take refuge in the principles of the Decade of Action.

Sacrament City

In the two you complete editions of the Fair the International of Tourism in Buenos Aires, (2006 and 07) Colony Department and Colony of the Sacrament City was including in stand of the Buquebus Company, leaving tied the promotion of the tourist site, with private interests related directly to a National Government in opposition to the departmental one and very far from the interest of other departmental Governments like the one of Maldonado also aligned with the National. Anybody does not agree? In this stage of the world-wide economy in which the services occupy a so important place, the tourism stands out like " The ACTIVIDAD" extreme-dynamic, that needs intelligent and fast reactions, especially by its capacity to generate major amount of use by investment unit, something that would have to excessively interest all the Uruguayan. And in particular to the colonienses with colonienses interests. Mrs Directora de Turismo is of Canelones and to thus it goes us. However the President of the Gastronomical Camera of Colony is Argentine, but with restaurant in the city and very tie and interested in our development. We must transmit and concientizar that the consumers are changing very fast in their habits and the things that are trying to acquire, because the information is much more ample on things that previously not even knew that they existed.

The problem is that of a side it on the other changes to the consumer and products, but the intermediary who must contact to both seemed that for one hundred years he has not been becoming, maintaining the same form to promote and to make businesses. The Internet is varying much that process of intermediation. It is necessary to understand that if speed of the changes that are happening outside, is much greater than the speed with that it is reacted, we are dead as destiny, and still we did not realize! It is necessary to let know him to people, to the population everything, that the tourism generates uses, because they generally tie it with the pleasure and the vacations and do not perceive what is behind: hundreds of quick activation and jobs of the economy.

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