The Greeks

In accordance with Bertoche (2007), in the colonies Greeks, the men had contact with travellers of some parts of the world, allowing that the Greeks had contact with the mathematics, astronomy, geometry. Some of these Greeks had started to investigate phisis, that is, the nature, in the direction of the totality of the physical things. For Cotrim (1997), the first thinkers had appeared in the city of Mileto, situated in the Jnia, the coast occidental person of Lesser Asia. The objective of the Jnicos was to construct a cosmology, that is, to explain of rational and systematic form the characteristics of the universe (the cosmos), substituting the cosmogonia (old explanations based in myths). With this, the first philosophers wanted to discover, on the basis of the reason, ' ' substance-prima' ' of that the things are made all, that is, the existing substantial principle in all the material beings, called principle of arch.

In accordance with Chtelet (1981), in the period daily pay-Socrtico, the three main thinkers had been Tales, Anaximandro and Anaximenes. TALES OF MILETO? ' ' Everything is gua' ' Tales de Mileto (623-546 a.C), was perhaps the first philosopher to raise it questions on the structure and the nature of the cosmos as a whole, as Kenny cites (1998). Tales wanted to discover one physical element that was constant in all the things, the unifying principle of all the beings. As Chtelet cites (1981), Tales was the first one to imagine a reality sensible, the water, as the substratum and the generating force of all the things. The justification of this vision, certainly, was given by the instinctive comment on the paper of the water in the life of the plants, the animals and the civilizations. Cotrim (1995) adds that, probably, it had inspiration in Egyptian conceptions. ' ' The water is life and life principle, all the things of it come and it comes back, of luck that everything is alive, everything is ' ' animado' ' e, in this direction, endowed with alma' '.


The uncertainty of offers and the heating of the demand estremeceram the structure of a great plan. The advance of the sugar cane in the Brazilian energy matrix occurred in accord with an optimism generalized in the sector, that propitiated the construction of 112 plants between 2005 and 2010. With 20 new plants inaugurated per year from 2005, that moment if characterized for the abundance of cheap capital and new incoming with little experience in the sector. In 2008/2009, height of the investments, had been 30 new plants in operation. In harvest 2009/2010, however, this number already fell for 19. (Source: Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Alliance). For harvest 2011/2012, only five units are waited – the source dried! The problem is structural and has origin in 2006, when the expansion badly planned it provoked excess of it offers, it depressed the prices of the sugar and etanol and made with that the plants started to have difficulties to liquidate debts.

In this year it had a very great increase of the investment in the sucroalcooleiro sector. New companies had entered in the market, had been become indebted to implant its units and when the dollar went up and the credit dried, still its investments maturavam. Some had broken, others had been bought. Great groups had entered in the sector having bought companies in difficulty and of this form the market was consolidating. World-wide the financial crisis arrived in 2008 and mainly reached the companies whom they had more invested. The lack of investments, the enormous incubencies of contracted debts and the strong fall in the prescription of the industry in 2008 and 2009 had made with that about one tero of the sector entered in difficulties and passed for strong financial and/or societria reorganization. The credit lack made the plants to drain great volumes of etanol at low prices to be capitalized. Deliverers and the ranks had repassed the collapse of prices and the consumption of etanol hidratado increased significantly, but with low remunerations for all chain of commercialization.

Social Environment

But in all these and many ourtras activities, we deal with concrete things, not with abstractions: we distinguish the certainty from wrong, the true one of the false one, without philosophical concern to investigate what it is the certainty, what is the truth. The vulgar knowledge is distinguished, this house, that one, these people, those, these financial operations, these businesses, not It house, not It man, not It economy. The method and the logical process are primary, predominating the intuition of the data of the experience and the acceptance of the dominant ideology in the social environment. The criterion of gauging of this knowledge is common-sense, through which the formed and emitted judgments are accepted or not. 3 – The scientific knowledge, in contrast of the previous one, is eminently critical, that is, worried about the validity of the judgments. The judgment is an articulation, contends subject, predicate and the verb. The scientific knowledge if valley of the method and the use of the logic. It works more with particular but with concepts, the not obstante individual ones not to only exist as reality, and the concepts alone as assumption.

Aristotle examined 158 constitutions to arrive at the concepts formulated in its Politics, being used itself, thus, of the inductive method to arrive at the eidos ones contained in the concepts. The element common to the object species allows the generalization, with abstraction of the differentials. For an induction process, through generalization, it is arrived the concepts, such as force, power, circle, angle, man, animal, vegetable, body, spirit, value, space, time, norm, right. Empirical knowledge, constructed from the sensations perceived for the directions, its objects is quantified e, thus, measurable and susceptible of numerical identification. The characteristics of the scientific knowledge are: 3.1 – he is ontolgico, that is it looks for to know the being of the things. For example, reality on the man, the life, the soul, the forms, the substance, the atom, the Land, the Universe, the processes as they occur, such as what it provokes an infection, the relation of cause and made between poverty and crime etc.

Industrialization Brazil

Brazil was living in process of Industrialization of national history. For one it cuts weather, we initiate our analysis from the third stage of the industrial development in Brazil, with the following justification: the Brazilian economy already had implanted some years before with the Program Goals of the government Juscelino Kubitschek (1956-1960). With the phase of Industrialization Brazil presented summarily, one deliberate politics of substitution of importation, forming itself in Brazil a strong industrial domain. Since the first phase of industrialization the field started to feel a strong exodus agricultural, the coming of agriculturists for the great cities, in the search of better conditions of life. At amwell you will find additional information. During the military governments (1964/1985), Brazil was remained directed to palco politician of the nation, that is, it would become necessary to keep ' ' good appearance of moo' ' , one of the characteristics of the military governments gifts in its speeches were of well-being, translated the access the basic questions, such as: housing, education, work, leisure and security. However this dialtico process caused by the System, will cause of the governmental point of view the gradual expulsion of the local populations, dislocating the people who liveed to entorno of the center for the regions peripheral of the city. 1 of April of 1964, Brazil enters a phase of deep transformations, as much in the area politics how much economic, that is, the military regimen appeared for ' ' transformar' ' the Brazilian society, the main objectives of the regimen was to keep a good image is of the Country, due to the international investments in this period. In accordance with Barros: The alternative of the coup-minded ones for the social reforms was a modernization conservative, who moved away pressas to the masses and in general allowed to the expansion of biggest the associated economy the freedom for the external capital and the great property.


Also, depending on the object of the invention may require application of special documents. After receipt of the application, Rospatent conducted a formal examination, by the end of which the applicant receives the decision of a positive result of the formal examination. Next to submit the request for examination on the merits of the invention, attaching the receipt of the request payment of state duty 900 rubles. And only after this examination, approximately one year (standard procedure) or six (on a fast track procedure) can be obtained a decision on granting a patent. After that, again, we need pay the state fee for a patent for an invention (1,200 rubles). When all state fees will be paid, it will be possible to obtain a patent. He comes by mail to the address specified in the application for a patent, but not earlier than over 2-2.5 months after the last payment of state duty. Such, in general, the procedure of obtaining a patent in Russia.

Put all this work on the shoulders of the specialized organizations will cost $ 25 – 35 thousand rubles, excluding state taxes. Now touch the question – why is it so important to get a patent on the invention. In – First, the presence of a patent prevents others from using the invention on the territory of Russia, but in other states, any person can register your invention and to produce any products using it. In – the second, the presence of a patent is considered by many potential investors as required condition of their entry into the project. And – third, the inventor may well be beneficial to himself or assign a patent to grant licenses to use the invention. You should also not forget that the correct registration invention will avoid many troubles related to the protection of the rights to his invention in court.

Currently, court cases related to the protection of inventions considering arbitration. Arbitration cases considered for a long time and are costly to the aid of lawyers engaged in courts. Therefore, obtaining a patent for an invention is a necessary step in any innovative project, and must be properly prepared for him, and, if necessary, prepared to defend their rights in arbitration. * Analytical materials and statistics on certain activities Rospatent 2005

Bradesco Day

Brazil crossed with tranquilidade and security the period of turbulences, provoked for the crisis more recent than it affected the global economy, conquering, thus, respect and optimism of the Market. This conjuncture of economic stability, that allows to glimpse consistent evolution in 2010, is propitious for the increase of the job and the income of the families, as well as of the expansion of the credit, especially in the real estate sector, whose demand offers great potential of leverage, over all with the norms that protect the National Financial System and the stimulatons of the diverse social programs promoted by the Federal Government. Learn more on the subject from Mikhail Khovanov. Based on values as respect, ethics and transparency, the Bradesco faces with determination the challenge to consolidate its detached presence in the national economic environment, demonstrating to force and singular capacity of financial intermediador, stimulating investments, democratizing the credit, extending offers of products, rendering of services and solutions, promoting, with priority, the banking inclusion and social mobility. The Bradesco wants to arrive more far to be more close to the customer. With presence in 100% of the Brazilian cities, the Bank is centered in the national market with full conditions to offer to ample gamma of products and services, in its extensive Net of Attendance, with 37.476 points, as Banking Agencies, Ranks, Postal Bank, Express Bradesco, beyond 30.657 machines of Autoatendimento of the Bradesco Day & Night and 7,300 of the Banco24Horas, and also the Canals of Conveniences Internet Banking and Easy Fone, what it guarantees full conditions to it to expand its base of customers, endorsed in the confidence of the best Bradesco Mark and in the practical ones of Corporative Governana.

Cultural Patrimony

in the end of the decade of 90 came the world-wide recognition: Diamantina receives from UNESCO the heading of Cultural Patrimony of the Humanity. Diamonds the botocudos indians had guided the first explorers for the region, in gold search. Mines not yet had disclosed all its fascinating world golden when, in 1714, teeny shining rocks had been found in the Arraial of the Tijuco. Precious and rare. The diamond until then was only joined in India.

Of the one to understand the rebulio that the discovery caused at the time. The diamantfero period served as a period of great growth for Portugal. The rocks transladadas for the Kingdom fomented greater investment in squadrons and diverse trips for ' ' entrances and bandeiras' ' in the rinces of Brazil. The ballast of diamonds, made in that the Portuguese opened trails, tracks and shortcuts that had taken them the de Piratininga behind new lodes, concomitantly to the inverse way of Are Sebastio of Rio De Janeiro. The tropeiros, diamond transporters and dealers, had of course created ways for the draining of these values, and that it came if to call Real Road; binding to the city of Serro and Diamantina the Parati, in Rio De Janeiro. Currently tourist point of great repercussion for the city of Diamantina.

Rocks precious, together with gold, left the ports of Rio De Janeiro. The ships loaded vine of Portugal with common rocks, that served as ballast. Gold and diamonds came back with. They were the common rocks as payment. In contrast of the Cycle of the Gold, that declined in the end of century XVIII, the Cycle of the Diamond, kept its exuberncia for more time. Still in 1831, year where the arraial passed if to call Diamantina Village, the diamond extration and commerce originated great wealth. The requintada elite of Minas Gerais had space more, while the cities of the gold amarguravam exhaustion of its deposits.

BRAZIL Distance

With regard to the economic aspects, and the just solidary commerce involves questions of logistic, commercialization, abilities of exportation of the certified products and the acceptance of the products in the market (FAIRTRADE BRAZIL, 2007). One of the characteristics most important of this certification is the establishment of a minimum price, which must cover manufacture or production the costs and offer an edge of profit for investment. Beyond the minimum price, a prize is stipulated that must be invested in the improvement of the conditions of life of the producers, workers and its communities, being on with the social development (FAIRTRADE BRAZIL, 2007). The ambient concern also is great. Rigid norms in such a way for the certified products as for those in certification process are adopted. For reduction of the physical ambient impacts, the exploration in virgin forests is forbidden, if the explored area will be close to these, must be kept a minimum distance of 100 meters (INTERNATIONAL FAIRTRADE LABELLING ORGANIZATIONS, 2008).

In the distance minimum of the rivers, lakes, secondary forests, secondary bushes and quagmires it must be of 20 meters. For tertiary bushes a distance of 2 meters must be kept. Moreover, strategies for ground handling must be adopted that maximize the water retention in the ground, do not cause erosions and prevent its salinization (INTERNATIONAL FAIRTRADE LABELLING ORGANIZATIONS, 2008). To diminish the chemical ambient impacts, preference for the organic substance use must be given e, only in last case, to use synthetic substances with low toxicidade, that do not present accumulating effect and that they present low persistence. These measures look for to prevent the pollution of waters and the contamination of the ground, the fauna and the flora.


After World War II the world passed for loafing evolutivos periods of training the specializations and the tecnicista search of professionals molded the life of the man the constant adjustment in the requirements started to be a new challenge for the worker a psychological impact, radical changes that many had been submerged, the domain of the intelligent machines and the production in mass. 4 CONCLUSION While to exist a society always work will exist, therefore the same one does not have as to exist without the work more it cannot the same say with regard to the job that can be something lasting or being able to be valuable while its time to last, to be a productive citizen is an order inside of the capitalist society since whom we are born to the first investigations of the parents it is not what my son goes to be when to grow? It is in the character of the human being and the nation, therefore when we are unemployeds or if surprise in the exclusion of a job vacant auto-esteem are shaken can say that the word job is a method of measure of income for many essentials more the fact to be dismissed is to feel itself unproductive and invalidate in the society.

The society of today is divides between winners and the losers many are unaware of the method of as to be successful in the life a period of training in the accomplishment process and generation of wealth do not enxergam its work as one as knowing to enxergar its work as new a rock to be polishing opens horizontes either owner of its work its futuro’ ‘ , therefore the value of the things can not be in the time where they last more in the intensity as they happen for this reason exist inexplicable facts and people incomparveis’ ‘ nobody is equal to nobody. Choices in our life exist that it needs to be considered with the essence of our being ‘ ‘ ours profisso’ ‘ , therefore he is something that goes to influence in all our new decisions goes to open horizontes our work goes much more beyond what we think it is form as the society perhaps if you organize and play its design you are recognized for its work you you did not perceive plus express it through its personality the work that exerts. Either owner of its work the exploration of this precious one only depends on you, the size of its dream alone depends on you does not leave if to lose in the areas of the beach taken for the high and low waves of of the life each period of training is a new recommences. BIBLIOGRAPHY De Mais, Domenico. The future of the work: fatigue and cio in the postindustrial society..

Aula Virtual Functions

Even in the case of clear, stable and common purposes, all design is subjected to a series of tensions that need to be resolved. Resolution of these tensions do not depend on only the objectives that guide the design, but also a series of context variables, among which can distinguish the type of organization, the situation in which is found and the degree of governance that she presents (understood as the relationship between controllable and non-controllable variables of the situation (Matus1987), the characteristics of the members and their level of commitment and involvement. The resolution of these tensions is dynamic: changes with the modification of the objectives and context variables. There is no perfect design and there is no design that does not suffer modifications, and even demotions, in the process of its implementation. There is no design which leave pursuant to those involved, even where there is among them a community of purposes in relation to the design. There will always be individual interests affected by the design.

The uniqueness of the design is to try to reconcile the interests at stake. Try to say linguists, is an expression of defeat early: but even if you know to do so, designer of organizations in organizations can not try such conciliation, because it is not objects but to interventions that involve people. The above, appointment Schvarstein, make the design on the one hand, a white mobile, and on the other hand, a product that will be always questioned. From there fairly challenging edges that are presented for its resolution. Considered, the design activity is explicitly tied to architecture and graphic design and ‘ products. In relation to the Organization has focused traditionally on the design of structures and processes, understanding by such determination of forms which adopt the relationships between roles and workflows that transform inputs into outputs.

In addition, remember that structural approaches have been generally restricted to the organization by products, functions or markets, based on a single logical hierarchies (pyramidal) or dual (matrix), the connection networks, the relationship between line and staff functions, functions in direct contact with customers and support functions and other related matters. Recently, the activity of design has become more explicit aspects sociodynamic of the Organization, which had generally been addressed implicitly. In this way, issues relating to human resources processes (selection, induction, training, development and promotion of persons), to political systems and systems has been included (relations of power and authority, resolution of conflicts and disputes, coalitions), symbolic systems (culture, myths, rites of initiation and passage, stories and narratives). Indeed, considerable attention has been, says Schvarstein, in the design of the processes of change in the Organization, look that can not be neglected. * Postgraduate teaching, specialty program in quality and productivity management, Universidad de Carabobo. Engineer, Exatec annotations of the Chair managerial topics modern, of program management for quality and productivity, Faces, University of Carabobo postgraduate Area.

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